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Barcelona Float parade of the Three Magic Kings

A child friendly parade celebrating the arrival of the Three Kings to give Baby Jesus the gifts. Tradition is to throw sweets into the crowd

Event Start: Jan 5, 2026 16:00h

Event End: Jan 5, 2026 22:00h

Updated: Jan 6, 2025 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 1.8k

About Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings

Three kings day on the 5th of January is an important Catholic tradition celebrating the arrival of the three wise men (or three Magic Kings) that brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the stable for baby Jesus.

Thus, in Spain, Christmas gifts are opened in the evening of the 5th of January (after dinner at 20:00h) or for children, on the morning of the 6th of January. The 6th of January is a national holiday in Spain called the Three kings day or Magic kings day, in spanish, Reyes.

The significance of the Three Kings parade is to celebrate giving gifts as the three kings did on the 5th of January, not on Christmas day. The arrival of the three Three kings marks the end of the Christmas celebrations.

The tradition is that the Three Kings arrive after a long camel ride from the far east to the villages, cities and towns of Spain. In Barcelona the Three Kings (actors in costume!) arrive from the Far East by boat in Port Vell with a dignitary giving a short speech before the Kings are paraded around the streets on motorised floats.

With the three kings are many other floats with children and adults dancing and enacting scenes relevant to receiving gifts. As the float parade passes the people lining the streets, sweets, normally wrapped boiled fruit flavour, are thrown to the spectators.

The wise men or 'Biblical Magi' are mentioned in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew, verses 2:1-9. Although the Bible does not specify who or what the Magi were, since the seventh century, the Magi have been identified in Western Christianity as Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar and are considered saints by the Catholic Church.

Visiting Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings

The three kings appear by boat at 16:00h on the 5th of January, Usually the Santa Eulalia Sailboat.

The parade starts from the Parc Cuitadella Entrance in Passeig Reina Isabell II at 18:00h passing in front of Estació de França, the Cooreos post office and the columbus viewpoint monument. From here the float parade heads up Avenida Parallel and through Sant Antoni then onto Plaça España and finishing in Aveninda de la Reina Maria Cristina.

See the route in the Map Section.

At about 21:30h the parade arrives at the Avenida de la Reina maria Cristina near the Magic Fountains and Venetian Towers.

The best places the view the parade is in Avenina Reina Isabell II because of the historic buildings in the background. At Torre Colom the parade follows the only remains of the old medival city wall along the Maritime museum and into Avenida Parallel.

In Aveninda de la Reina Maria Cristina the magic fountains provide an elevated view point also.

What to take with you for Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings

Bag for collecting sweets!

Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings Summary of Prices

Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Adult Zone 1 T-casual FREE Child T-familiar FREE Notes The Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings is a free event

Getting to Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings

Address: Avenida Reina Isabel II & Passeig Colom, Barcelona. 08003

Depending where you chose to view the parade from will decide what metro stop is best to use. See the Route map in the documents section. Use a T-Casual or Hola-Barcelona travel card.

Documents for Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings

Click on any one of the 2 PDFs to view in full screen and download.

Map of Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings


Latitute: 41.4 Longitude: 2.2 Zoom Level: 11

Weather for Barcelona

Where to stay overnight in the Barcelona Three Magic Kings Float parade

Things to do near Float Parade of the Three Magic Kings

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