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Jardins de la Maternitat - Maternity Gardens of Hospital

The gardens are a public space for enjoying the tranquil ambience of a historic health-care complex from late 19th century. Located next to Camp Nou Stadium

Updated: Jun 28, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 1.7k

About Maternitat Gardens

The old La Maternitat hospital buildings in the Les Corts district Next to Camp Nou Stadium is formed by a number of pavilions, many of which have been retired from hospital use and are now home to other institutions such as the Archives of the Provincial Council of Barcelona, the National University of Distance Education, a Centro de Atenció primària (CAP) and a school. The most beautiful buildings are the blue pavilion and the rose pavilion. The biggest draw is the landscaped hospital gardens which open to the public and seamlessly fuse the pavilion buildings within the natural surroundings. Features include the statue La maternitat, by sculptor Lluïsa Granero.

La Maternitat Hosptial and Gardens History

Built on the Can Cavaller Estate from 1889 to 1898 by architect Camil Oliveras i Gensana in the modernist style as a hospital complex. Each pavilion is an independent building within the grounds as per the best practices of the day. For another example of a Grand Modernist Hospital see the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau.

Following the death Camil Oliveras i Gensana in 1898 the project was handed over to other architects.

Visiting Maternitat Gardens

The gardens de maternidad follow a longitudinal axis down Av Joan XXIII, connecting Av Diagonal to Travessera de les Corts.

Some of the old hospital buildings house a school, a radio station, and council offices while some are still in use as a hospital. It is not possible to enter and walk around any of the buildings but it is free to enter and walk round the gardens.

The gardens are open till later in the evening in the summer months.

Maternitat Gardens Opening Hours

What to take with you for Maternitat Gardens

This is a public step free garden with a mix of gravel and paved paths and is a great place for picnics.

There are bicycle anchorage points outside garden in Travessera de les Corts and additional bicycle anchorage points inside the gardens.

Maternitat Gardens Summary of Prices

Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Adult Zone 1 T-casual FREE Child T-familiar FREE

Getting to Maternitat Gardens

Address: Travessera de les Corts 159, Barcelona. 08028

Nearest TMB Metro is Les Corts on the green (L3) line. Use a T-Casual or Hola-Barcelona travel card.

Documents for Maternitat Gardens

Click on any one of the 1 PDFs to view in full screen and download.

Map of Maternitat Gardens


Latitute: 41.4 Longitude: 2.2 Zoom Level: 11

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Where to stay overnight in the Maternity Gardens

Things to do near Maternitat Gardens

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