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Barcelona Covid restrictions & vaccination in Catalunya

A guide to the current COVID-19 mobility and activity restrictions in Barcelona and Catalunya. Status and how to get vaccinated in Catalunya

Updated: Jun 28, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 3.1k

Covid-19 Restrictions in Barcelona & Catalunya

During the COVID19 crisis of 2020 and 2021, Barcelona and Catalunya has had many different restrictions imposed from a full confinement at home to partial restrictions on movement and activities. Barcelona is now fully open.

For day to day activities there are NO RESTRICTIONS. You can ride public transport, visit museums, bars, restaurants as normal before the pandemic. No need for a facemask. However it is still worth carrying one for the below exceptions.

The Generalitat (local Catalan Government) reviews the situation periodically and publishes the CURRENT RESTRICTIONS IN FORCE on their website.

Safe travels and Happy Exploring!

Covid-19 Vaccinations in Barcelona & Catalunya

The vaccination program in Spain, including Catalunya is fully rolled out to the entire population. Uptake is high amongst the population with most people having received at least three doses of a Covid vaccination.

Catalunya uses 443 local CAP centres for vaccinations. The 52 temporary mass vaccination centres are now closed with booster vaccinations being provided at the CAP.

Here is the VACCINATION PORTAL FOR CAT SALUD information page for citizens. Note: Spain, like most other EU countries, is offering the vaccination to anyone over the age of 12.

Getting a COVID-19 Vaccination in Catalunya

Vaccine is now by voluntary appointment. You need the CAT SALUD HEALTH CARD with CIP number.

Additionally with the cat salud health card You can register online to the (relatively!) new MEVA SALUT PORTAL which has your downloadable medical records from any visits to the doctor or hospital.

IMPORTANT: Once logged in to the meva Salud portal there is a section where you can update your cellular phone number and email to receive the SMS conformation of Vaccination appointment and any other push notifications from public health.

To book the vaccination appointment, go to the VACCINATION PORTAL FOR CAT SALUD and have to hand your Cat Salut card with CIP number and your phone. This same portal is used for the third dose/booster vaccination.

Here is an Article from the Catalan News online paper about how to ensure you are included in the vaccination plan and how to register for it if you are not registered for Cat Salut.

Covid vaccinations for Non resident citizens & People on Holiday

To obtain a vaccination from the CAT SALUD Catalan health service you must be CAT Salud health card holder. For tourists and visitors that want to get a Covid vaccination in Catalunya, please contact your travel insurer who will provide a list of private hospitals.

The EU Vaccination Passport

Finally, a COVID VACCINATION PASSPORT can be downloaded as a PDF from the MEVA SALUT portal one day after completion of the vaccination treatment, i.e. after receiving second dose for BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca or after only one dose for the Janssen vaccine. The EU vaccination certificate makes international travel outside of the EU less hassle and may be mandatory for some destinations.

Safe travels and Happy Exploring!

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