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Eixample Neighborhood Guide & attractions

Grid street layout residential neighbourhood, built late 18th Century to cater to population explosion & location of Catalan Modernist masterpieces

Updated: Jul 3, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 3.3k

Description of La Eixampla Neighbourhood

La Eixample district, or extension, is a neighbourhood characterised by its grid street layout with straight lines and was completed at the beginning of the 20th century from from 1850 to 1900 and is full of modernist arquitecture.

Unlike the old roman and medieval parts of Barcelona City, L'Eixample was constructed according to an urban plan by the prominent Catalan Ildefons Cerdà i Sunyer, to masively expand housing in Barcelona as a result of population growth in the city brought about by the industrial revolution.

La Eixampla is best described as a safe residential area with high class shopping areas and vibrant cafe culture. It is here that you will find some of the best, and most expensive, bars and restaurants in town. The buildings in La Eixampla are of an art nouveau design with beautiful facades and balconies. It is also home to plenty of Catalan Modernism masterpieces by Antonio Gaudí, Lluís Domènech i Montaner and Josep Puig i Cadafalch. Examples include: Recinte modernista Sant Pau, Casa Batlló, Sagrada Família and casa Milá/La Pedrera.

La eixampla is sub-divided into sereral areas by main grand roads such as Avinguda Diagonal, Gran Via de Les Cortes Catalanes and Passeig de Grácia as well as bordering Neighbourhoods such as Sants, les corts and pedralbes and the Parc Cuitadella area as well as surrounding the medival centre of barcelona made up of The Gothic quarter and El Born.

Passeig de Grácia from Plaza Catalunya to Avinguda Diagonal is the the wide throughfare where Barcelona's wealthiest citizens had their palacial luxuary houses. It divides La eixample into two districts: Dreta de l'eixample (la eixample right) and Esquerra de l'eixample (la eixample left). In Rambla Catalunya and Passeig de Grácia and you will find the premuim designer shopping Zone as well as Antonio Gaudi's Casa Milá/La pedrera and Casa Batlló, both within walking distance of Plaza Catalunya.

In Dreta de l'eixample you will find the Antonio Gaudí masterpeice of La Sagrada Familia and the Lluís Domènech i Montaner former hospital and now museum called Recinte Modernisa de Sant Pau.

Esquerra de l'eixample can be divided into two parts called Antiga esquerra which describes the zone around Hospital Clinic and Nova Esquerra Which is between hospital clinic and Carrer de Tarragona where you will find the lesser known Las Arenas shopping centre, El modelo prison museum and Parc Joan Miró can be found near to Carrer de Tarragona.

Getting to La Eixample

Transport wise, the blue and red metro lines pass through la Eixample horizontally while the green line (L3) runs under Passeig de Grácia vertically and the FGC Vallés lines run under Rambla de Catalunya vertically.

For a detailed breakdown of each of the La Eixample attractions, click on one of the images below.

Happy Exploring!

Attractions in La Eixampla Neighbourhood

Events in La Eixampla Neighbourhood

Map of Attractions in La Eixampla Neighbourhood


Latitute: 41.4 Longitude: 2.2 Zoom Level: 11

Where to stay overnight in the Eixample Neighborhood

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