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Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls Hiking

13km circular route via Gorges of Les Planes d'Hostoles, Hostoles castle ruin, Cogolls hamlet & Molí dels Murris plus Can Poetí Gorges

Updated: Oct 6, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 69

About Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

Les Planes de Hostoles is a village located in the valley of Hostoles in the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park (Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa). This 13 kilometre Medium circular route passes via the waterfalls (Els gorgs de les Planes d'Hostoles), 10th century Castell d'Hostoles ruins, Cogolls hamlet and Gorg del Molí dels Murris waterfall.

On the southern side of the village of Les Planes d'Hostoles are the slopes of the Puig del Moro mountain range that tower over the town where as on the North side where this route predominantly passes, there are more gradual hills and valleys such as Cogolls valley and in the distance, Serra de Finestres.

From 1900, Les Planes d'Hostoles was linked to Girona by the narrow gauge Olot–Girona railway. The line closed in 1969 and has since been converted into the Olot to Girona Via Verde cycle route.

Historically, the principal industry was from the Colònia Dussol spinning mill that was established in 1886. The Dussols were a family from Olot who were already dedicated to the production of stockings through the use of steam energy in their workshops and who decide to also settle in Les Planes d'Hostoles to take advantage of the hydraulic energy of the river Brugent. The Dussol Colony originally consisted of the workers' dwellings, the master's tower, the chapel of the Virgin of Carmel and the factory. Dussol could not recover from the banking crisis of 2008 and ended up closing in 2012 leaving the 60 workers unemployed. The remaining industry is agriculture and livestock.

As of 2018 the population of Les Planes d'Hostoles is 1660 inhabitants.

Note: Since 2020, the Brugent river is a protected nature reserve and prior reservation is needed (From Easter till end of September) to visit, costing 5 euros. The site is limited to 300 visitors per day. Groups of 20 or more people must now be accompanied by a local guide.

Visiting Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

Follow the main road north for about half a kilometre to the Cementiri de les Planes d'Hostoles and cross the main road with care. In the top corner of this semi circular road is a path next to a fence leading down. Turn left onto a farm track at the bottom and follow the farm track as it bends round and enters the forest. Here you will see a sign about the waterfalls.

Following the path the first waterfall is Gorg La Plana and following the path parallel to the river the next waterfall is Gorg del Duran. After the second waterfall backtrack out of the forest and take a left crossing a field.

Pick up a trail along the Canal and folow it as it transitions into a footpath to the next waterfall of Gorg de la Llaura. continue along the footpat to the right to another artificial weir called Reclosa Gran de Can Paulí follow the path on the right climbing up past Gorg de la Mola.

Note: The waterfalls and river Brugent is a beautiful natural space that needs to be preserved by not littering or taking rocks, wild flowers or animals. The water is not considered suitable for drinking or swimming.

The path leads out onto a gravel road. Turn left and follow this to an old brick bridge called Pont de la Torre that crosses the river Brugent. Do not follow the trail across the bridge but from the direction you came there is a path that leads onto the Via Verda del Carrilet Olot Girona, an abandoned railway where the tracks have been removed to make a cycle path. Turn left and almost immediately is a right turn leading up to the main road.

On the opposite side of the main road is the continuation of the path. Cross the road with care because it is on a curve. Climb up the rocky path from the road and continue following this ascending trail up through brush and shrub to Castell d'Hostoles ruins (601m). From the castle you get great views of the valley and opposite mountains of Puig del Moro.

The continuation of the trail can be found behind the castle which is via a ridge to another summit viewpoint called El Castellet (571m) and following this trail further it emerges onto a gravel track at Collet de Fontplana. Follow the gravel road for about 250m then take a descending track on the right.

Follow this path through a hairpin bed at Serrat de la Pineda (500m) and until you get to the la Vila (487m) farmhouse. here take the gravel track to the left and follow it as it descends down the mountain passing Can Massot farmhouse and then contouring round the mountain to join a descending gravel road down to a paved road where you turn left towards the hamlet of Cogolls.

continue following the paved country lane past Cogolls and Església de Sant Cristòfol de Cogolls and on to Ermita de Sant Pelegrí, a beautiful whitewashed chapel. continue following the road for about half a kilometre and take a left turn into a gravel road. follow this trail and bear left just before emerging from the forest into a crop field. This path is parallel to Riera de Cogolls and after 300m arrives at Gorg del Molí dels Murris.

Back track from the waterfall to the country lane and continue following the country lane for a further one kilometre till it crosses the Via Verde del Carrilet Olot Girona. Take the path descending down onto the Via Verde and follow it for 1.3 kilometres. Just before getting to the bridge are some steps on the right leading down to Gorg de Can Poetí. At the bottom of the steps you will find the rocky bank of the river and some abandoned water mill buildings on the opposite bank.

Return back via the stairs and cross the river using the bridge keep following the road passing the disused station buildings till getting to the main road through the village. here you will find a few restaurants:

What to take with you for Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

This is an medium walking route in the Pyrenees foothills. I always do it with a small rucksack of the essentials and first aid kit. Emergency waterproof/windproof jacket is recommended.

Take 2 to 3 litres of water.

Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls Summary of Prices

Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Adult € 25.00 FREE Child € 25.00 FREE Notes Hike is free. Price based on 4 people sharing a car

Getting to Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

Address: El Brugent, Les Planes d'Hostoles, Girona. 17172

Documents for Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

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Wikiloc Trail for Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

a0377 - Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

13km circular route via Gorges of Les Planes d'Hostoles, Hostoles castle ruin, Cogolls hamlet & Molí dels Murris plus Can Poetí Gorges

Distance: 12.89 Km

Difficulty: Meduim

Return Travel Fare: €25.00

Transport Network: CAR or BUS

Weather for Les Planes d'Hostoles

Mountain Forecast weather for

Where to stay overnight in the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

Tags for Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Les Planes d'Hostoles waterfalls

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