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Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony | Balcó del Mediterrani

An urbanised cliff top pedestrianised boulevard with viewpoint over the Mediterranean coastline, Port, beach & Roman Ampitheatre

Updated: Jun 28, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 1.1k

About Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

Located at the coastal end of Rambla Nova, the Mediterranean Balcony, Balcó del Mediterrani, that runs along Passeig de les Palmeres is an airy cliff top viewpoint offering splendid views of the Mediterranean, the Tarragona port, Platja del Miracle beach, and the Roman Amphitheatre. The iron railings along the Balcó del Mediterrani were designed by the architect Ramon Salas i Ricomà in 1889.

For Tarragona natives and tourists it is almost obligatory to tocar ferro (touch the iron) of the Balcony of the Mediterranean. This involves a leisurely stroll along the boulevard. Before they were built there was a wall which demarcated the Passeig de les Palmeres and the sheer cliff drop separating the balcony and the crop fields at its feet before the seafront. The name of the balcony was thought up by Emilio Castelar y Ripoll, the president of the First Spanish Republic, who christened it thus when he visited Tarragona in 1863.

The Mediterranean Balcony dates back to the 14th century. It was built as part of a larger fortification project by King Pedro IV de Aragón, who wanted to protect his kingdom from attack by sea. The fort is long gone today but during World War II The balcony also served as an important lookout point when Nazi submarines were patrolling offshore waters looking for Allied vessels coming into port.

Visiting Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

Notable points of interest to look out for along the Mediterranean Balcony boulevard are:

What to take with you for Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

Access to the Mediterranean Balcony from Carrer Baixada de Toro nearest Tarragona train station is via stairs and a ramp. From Passeig de les Palmeres end there are no stairs.

Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony Summary of Prices

Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Adult € 16.10 FREE Child € 16.10 FREE

Getting to Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

Address: Passeig de les Palmeres s/n, Tarragona. 43004

Map of Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony


Latitute: 41.4 Longitude: 2.2 Zoom Level: 11

Weather for Tarragona

Where to stay overnight in the Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

Things to do near Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

Tags for Tarragona Mediterranean Balcony

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