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Museu de Valls | Valls Museum

Art & Antiquities museum of works by artists from Valls in the Gothic, Renaissance & Baroque periods through to the 20th century plus temporary exhibitions

Updated: Feb 16, 2025 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 121

About Museu de Valls | Valls Museum

The Valls Museum, Museo de Valls is themed similar to the MEV museum in Vic dedicating itself to to preservation and display of mainly religious sculptures and paintings. But unlike the MEV, the Valls Museum dedicates itself to artists from or around the Valls, Tarragona area.

The Valls Museum has its origins in 1909 when the Valls Town Council wanted to create the Museum of Art and Antiquities. By the 1940s the first objects were gathered with the first rooms being inaugurated in the Castle building in 1954. In 1970 the museum moved to it's current building. Donations to the museum were made by Cèsar Martinell and Maria Galofré.

Inside the museum, the first area focuses on the Gothic and Renaissance period with works by the painter Jaume Huguet (Valls, 1412 - Barcelona, ​​1492). As you enter his area, look up at the ceiling to see the large polychrome beams from the beginning of the 15th century. They are from the old convent of Carmen, which the Museo de Valls has preserved and which have been recently restored.

The second section contains works from the Baroque period and the famous lineage of the of artists and sculptors Bonifaç or Bonifás. First was Lluís Bonifaç, a French sculptor born in Marseille, who settled in Barcelona and then in Valls. He died in the nearby town of Riudoms, in 1697, being succeeded by his son Lluís Bonifaç i Sastre (Barcelona ​​1683 - Valls 1765). The following generation of two sons Lluís (1730-1786) and Francesc Bonifaç i Massó (1735-1806), both born in Valls were artists. This section also mentions the composer Jaume Casellas (Valls 1690 - Toledo 1764).

The next section of the museum contains artists from the 1800s, a period of decadence in the town of Valls. Francesc Guasch Homs (Valls 1861 - Barcelona ​​1923), Bonaventura Casas Pàmies (Valls 1861 - Barcelona ​​1907), Anselm Nogués (Valls 1864 - Barcelona ​​1938), and Francesc Galofre Oller (Valls 1864 - Barcelona ​​1942) who has a large painting 5 metres wide by 3m high called Bòria Down occupying a prominent place in the museum.

The last section of the museum contains pieces from the 20th Century by architect Cèsar Martinell (Valls 1888 - Barcelona ​​1973), the photographer Pere Català Pic (Valls 1889 - Barcelona ​​1971), the painter and jeweller Jaume Mercadé (Valls 1889 - Barcelona ​​1967) and the musician Robert Gerhard (Valls 1896 - Cambridge 1970).

Visiting Museu de Valls | Valls Museum

The Historic collection of Museu de Valls is on the first floor of the building. The second floor contains an open temporary exhibition space. When I visited this contained works by local contemporary artists that specialise in cartoons, events posters and striking colourful social commentary pieces.

What to take with you for Museu de Valls | Valls Museum

To visit Valls for the Fiesta Calçotada take a warm jacket and wear sensible shoes for the uneven pavements in the centre of town. A small bag for hauling any wine, Calçots and sauce back to Barcelona.

Museu de Valls | Valls Museum Summary of Prices

Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Adult € 0.00 € 0.00 Child € 0.00 € 0.00 Free Entry? The Museum is Free Entry

Getting to Museu de Valls | Valls Museum

Address: Passeig dels Caputxins 18, Valls. 43800

Note that the bus cost €10.50 and you have to pay with cash when boarding the bus. The bus driver does not carry any change so make sure you have exact money.

The train ticket costs €8.00 each way.

If you want to go by car, check the PDF documents section which has all the parking areas on the edge of Valls town centre.

Documents for Museu de Valls | Valls Museum

Click on any one of the 6 PDFs to view in full screen and download.

Map of Museu de Valls | Valls Museum


Latitute: 41.4 Longitude: 2.2 Zoom Level: 11

Weather for Valls

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Where to stay overnight in the Valls Museum

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